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Life Coaching/Spiritual Mentoring/Law of Attraction Coach

  • Winchester, Winchester, Hampshire .

About Life Coaching/Spiritual Mentoring/Law of Attraction Coach

Designed and tailored to your exact needs depending on where you are when you enter the relevant program and whether your focus is personal or professional, my programmes range from beginners to advanced levels and are designed to provide you with high-vibe, results-oriented coaching.

Spiritual Mentorship works by first understanding the true obstacles in your way, at a soul level not just a logical one, then learning how to overcome the challenges, graduate through lessons and to become more empowered and confident in the process. For life to fully make sense. Finally.

In each session, and in between, I will share intuitive and spiritual guidance, specific tools to help you take your life to new levels, and help you align your life to fulfil your hearts deepest desires and show up authentically. I will support you in your process of spiritual evolution.

This process is about empowering you to heal your inner child, dissolve limiting beliefs, gain deep insights about how to co-create and manifest the life you so desire.

It’s also a fun and light hearted process! You came here to experience joy, and this evolution work is no different.


  • Workshops
  • Training & Courses
  • Spiritual Healing
  • EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques
  • Feng Shui
  • Stress Management
  • NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming
  • Spiritual
  • Life Coaching
  • Meditation

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