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Bi-Aura Energy Therapy Fully Interactive Day Workshop London

  • Unnamed Road, London NW1 4NS, UK.

About Bi-Aura Energy Therapy Fully Interactive Day Workshop London

Bi-Aura Energy Therapy Day Workshop coming up in London.

Our final full day workshop in energy therapy, prior to the actual diploma course starting in November.

Learn to feel sense and move energy around the body, leave feeling fully energised. A well worth day to attend.

When: Saturday 4 October 2014.

Where: Regents College Regents Park London NW1 4NS.

Cost: £50.00 to include training brochure & light refreshents. 

These all inspirational workshops are designed to provide an insight into the theory and practice of

Bio-Energy Therapy (a therapy which works solely with the bio-field of the body) and why it works so profoundly. Safe, relaxing and non-invasive.

The Bi-Aura Energy Therapy day Workshop is a must of you are keen to experience what Energy Therapy is all about.

A unique opportunity of asking questions and finding out if this is the course you would like to pursue.

Bi-Aura clients have achieved astounding results with many debilitating conditions both physical and emotional such as asthma, migraine, chronic fatigue, depression, back pain and stress related ailments. Many case studies can be found on the front page of our website sent in by clients.

At this workshop, you can:
•experience sensing and directing energy
•participate in energy enhancing Chi-Kung exercises
•understand the energy matrix, chakras and their influence
•learn simple pain relieving Bi-Aura techniques
•witness a full Bi-Aura session

We will give an insight on how to work through the major chakras and bio-field.

Our Diploma in Bio-Energy Therapy is accredited by the OCN North East Region. Our accredited diploma course is now is offered at a Level 3 standard with a breadth which is similar to that of an “A Level”. This accredited course may also be used for potential for access to university.
This Fully Accredited Diploma Training Course will commence at Regents College London this coming November 2014.

see details here. http://www.bi-aura.com/news/index.php?article_id=99

This is a unique opportunity to spend the day with the Bi-Aura team and find out if the diploma training course is for you. The Bi-Aura training course will take place one weekend per month for 8 months.

All relevant details and prospectus can be found on the website and will also be available at the workshop. Our bio-energy training course is one of the few energy courses that has a recognised qualification in the UK.

Read the report on Bi-Aura Energy Therapy from Dr Mark Atkinson, UK's new Health Journalist of the Year 2005 : http://www.bi-aura.com/news/article.php?article_id=43

Bi-Aura Energy Therapy Day Workshop London.

Learn to feel move and sense energy working through the chakra system. 

Saturday 4 October, 2014
by Dan Kahn MSc, MA, BA (hons) BETD. BAF reg from Bi-Aura Foundation





Animal HealingBi Aura Energy TherapyBio Energy TherapyBreath TherapyChakrasChanellingCognitiveEnergyEnergy HealingFitness and MovementMeditationMeridian TherapiesNatural MedicineNutrition and FitnessPersonal DevelopmentPersonal TrainersPsychic DevelopmentQigongReikiSpiritualTherapy TrainingTraining & CoursesWorkshops

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