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Colonic Irrigation Glasgow

  • 14 Main St, Bothwell, Glasgow G71 8RF, UK.

About Colonic Irrigation Glasgow

Joyce Laurie of Colonic Irrigation Glasgow is a registered nurse aswell as being the only Colonic Hydrotherapist who is also a BANT registered Nutritionalist in Scotland. During appointments Joyce does offer some nutrition guidence and advise about appropriate supplements. Colonic irrigation/hydrotherapy has beneficial effects on the following conditions: Allergies Arthritis Asthma Atonic (sluggish) colon Bloating Candida (yeast infection) Colitis (in remission) Constipation Diarrhoea Diverticulosis (i.e Diverticulitis in remission) Flatulence Leaky Gut Syndrome Haemorrhoids Headache (caused by toxins) Halitosis (bad breath) IBS (Irritable bowel) Indigestion Lethargy Mucous colitis Multiple sclerosis ME (Chronic Fatigue syndrome) Parasitic infections Skin problems: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, etc. Colonic irrigation, coupled with nutrition and exercise measures, is also useful during: Cleansing regimes Fasting Liver/gallbladder flushes Weight loss programmes


Colonic HydrotherapyNatural Medicine

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