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Tania A Prince EFT Founding Master

  • Park Lane, Poynton, Stockport, Greater Manchester SK12 1RB.

About Tania A Prince EFT Founding Master

I have extensive experience working with clients with a huge range of problems. I am an EFT Founding Master, one of only 29 in the world, from the original EFT Masters Program. I am an AAMET Accredited EFT Master Trainer of Trainers. I train therapists in EFT, both in the UK and abroad. I also supervise and train, trainers in EFT. I am also an NLP Trainer. And I am the creator of the innovative mindfulness tapping technique, Inner RePatterning. I have worked in this field for over 22 years. My training in EFT is one of the longest established in the world. I am also a conference speaker

I also work with clients worldwide via the phone and internet as well as practicing from a clinic in Cheshire in England. I work with a broad range of client issues. I specialise in working with confidence issues, including public speaking and presenting.


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