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Performance and life coach, mentor

  • 10 Palace Green, London, City of London W8 4QA.

About Performance and life coach, mentor

Centurion coaching can help you fulfil your promise and realise your dreams whatever they may be. I believe that everyone deserves to enjoy there life and reach there potential and i started centurion coaching to help you do just that.

About me: I am Alex a former Royal Marine commando with tours of Afghanistan, I have forged a succesful post millitary career in the security industry but am now folowing my true passion of helping other people achieve there goals whatever they may be.

What I offer: I offer life coaching, mentoring, weightloss and fitness programs and goal acquisition and realisation, If you want someone to holfd you accountable for your actions im your coach. I use a combination of techniques that have worked for me in all that ive achived, NLP and life expieriences o put together a full bespoke customised package for whatver you want to achieve or change in your life, I want to build a relationship with my client that you enjoy every process of the coaching and learn a lot about yourself a long the way. when we are working together you can contact me anytime of day with any problem at all and i will respond. There is no specific age or gender i cater for i believe i have something to offer everyone.

If you want to know more or have any questions please dont hesitate to contact me

thanks for your time



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