Jaguar Reeves Spiritual Guidance & Healing
London, London, City of London .
About Jaguar Reeves Spiritual Guidance & Healing
I am a spiritual coach, counsellor and healer and offer a range of different therapies to bring balance to your body and life; to expand your awareness and consciousness; and to unlock your potential. Simply, to help you towards living a happier and more fulfilling life.
I offer a range of holistic services aimed at helping you to get your life on track. This may mean alleviating chronic muscular pain or injury; recovery from shock and trauma; restoring emotional and mental harmony; or beginning to unlock your potential through spiritual development.
I have been working in the holistic field for over 10 years now and have studied extensively a number of related healing modalities. I am flexible and intuitive in my approach, working with whatever is presented in the moment of the session and always focused on the best outcome for the client. Often I work with clients on an on-going basis, offering different tools at different times, according to what is appropriate and best for them. Together we work towards a more joyful and fulfilling life for all. For instance, at times massage will be beneficial, at other times some counselling, whereas sometimes there may be need for specific healing work. I often incorporate all aspects into a session, though present them here separately for sake of clarity –
Massage & Bodywork
Massage is deeply healing and grounding – meaning it assists in bringing your attention back into your physical body and your feelings. It works to clear stagnant energies from your physical body, as well as bringing your mind and emotions into a harmonious balance. Regular massage is essential for maintaining health or restoring health in times of stress, crisis and illness. I use techniques from a variety of traditions.
In the western style, I find Deep Tissue Massage and Sports Massage to be very effective in alleviating chronic muscular tension, pain and stiffness. The remedial massage styles aid in correcting poor posture and in bringing awareness back into your body so you may live more attuned to its needs. I also regularly incorporate techniques from the eastern traditions such as Thai Massage and Shiatsu. Working with acupressure, meridians and acupuncture points, these work in a slightly different way, activating the deeper energy flows of the meridians. Again, excellent for clearing muscular pain and tension, as well as treating a number of other conditions such as digestive or respiratory problems.
Shamanic / Energy Healing
Though massage is also healing and works to harmonise the flow of energy in your body, any form of energy healing works specifically with the subtle energies that make up a person, be it their aura, chakras and/or general consciousness. Disharmonious patterns of emotions and thoughts, as well as beliefs and fears create ill health within your physical body and limit how fully you may experience life. Healing works to clear these limiting patterns, nurturing greater happiness and fulfillment. Hands on healing such as Shamanic Healing and traditional Reiki Healing are modalities I work with often to help clients find balance and peace, emotionally and psychologically. I guide clients into finding their own truth in which change and healing may come about.
Counselling, Coaching and Numerology Readings
Alongside my hands on work, I offer talking therapies. Often we need psychological, and particularly emotional clarity on what exactly is going on within us. Here I offer a compassionate and supportive perspective to illuminate and guide you to the truth within. This may relate to dealing with loss, depression, stress and anxiety. Or it may involve challenging your belief systems and fears and all the ways in which you do not allow yourself to live fully. Counselling has many dimensions – I also offer relationship counselling, acting as a mediator and helping couples to see what is really going on and to find a solution.
With Coaching, I help clients to achieve the life the would like to live. This means support in overcoming the fears that are holding them back as well as focusing their attention on what it is they wish to invoke in their lives, as well as together formulating the practical steps needed to move towards that goal.
Numerology and Soul Plan Readings are a look at the spiritual map of your life, very much like an astrological reading. This can give you an incisive advantage in your own life, giving you the information to work with your strengths and challenges consciously, rather than being caught in limiting ways of thinking about yourself.
I offer sessions via Skype and phone. In-person sessions are available in Eastbourne, East Sussex and by arrangement as home visit in London